
2021-02-14 01:00:28 作者: DG发布道歉


  On November 23rd, Du Jiabanner officially posted a apology video on Weibo, saying that he would apologize to all the Chinese in the world and said that such an incident will never happen again.


  “In the past few days, we have seriously introspected and we are very saddened by what our words and deeds bring to the Chinese people and the country. Our family education teaches us to respect the different cultures of the world. In the face of our cultural understanding of the deviation, I hope to get your forgiveness. We attach great importance to this apology, and formally a deepest apology to all Chinese in the world.”


  “All along, our love for China is as always. Numerous visits have made us deeply love Chinese culture. Of course, we still have a lot to learn. We must apologize for the mistakes we made in our previous expressions. We will never forget this experience and lessons, and such events will never happen again. At the same time, we will do our utmost to understand and respect Chinese culture.”


  At the end of the video, they said: “In the end, we asked you to forgive me from the heart, sorry.” “Sorry” is in Chinese.